Flecs v3.2
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Cecs_app_desc_tUsed with ecs_app_run()
 Cecs_array_desc_tUsed with ecs_array_init()
 Cecs_bitmask_desc_tUsed with ecs_bitmask_init()
 Cecs_build_info_tType with information about the current Flecs build
 Cecs_bulk_desc_tUsed with ecs_bulk_init()
 Cecs_component_desc_tUsed with ecs_component_init()
 Cecs_counter_tMonotonically increasing counter
 Cecs_entity_desc_tUsed with ecs_entity_init()
 Cecs_entity_to_json_desc_tUsed with ecs_iter_to_json()
 Cecs_enum_desc_tUsed with ecs_enum_init()
 Cecs_event_desc_tUsed with ecs_emit()
 Cecs_expr_var_tStorage for parser variables
 Cecs_filter_desc_tUsed with ecs_filter_init()
 Cecs_filter_tFilters allow for ad-hoc quick filtering of entity tables
 Cecs_from_json_desc_tUsed with ecs_ptr_from_json(), ecs_entity_from_json()
 Cecs_gauge_tSimple value that indicates current state
 Cecs_header_tHeader for ecs_poly_t objects
 Cecs_http_connection_tA connection manages communication with the remote host
 Cecs_http_key_value_tHelper type used for headers & URL query parameters
 Cecs_http_reply_tA reply
 Cecs_http_request_tA request
 Cecs_http_server_desc_tUsed with ecs_http_server_init()
 Cecs_iter_to_json_desc_tUsed with ecs_iter_to_json()
 Cecs_iterable_tIterable mixin
 Cecs_member_tElement type of members vector in EcsStruct
 Cecs_member_value_range_tType expressing a range for a member value
 Cecs_meta_cursor_tType that enables iterating/populating a value using reflection data
 Cecs_metric_tMake all metrics the same size, so we can iterate over fields
 Cecs_observer_desc_tUsed with ecs_observer_init()
 Cecs_opaque_desc_tUsed with ecs_opaque_init()
 Cecs_parse_expr_desc_tUsed with ecs_parse_expr()
 Cecs_pipeline_stats_tStatistics for all systems in a pipeline
 Cecs_primitive_desc_tUsed with ecs_primitive_init()
 Cecs_query_desc_tUsed with ecs_query_init()
 Cecs_query_group_info_tType that contains information about a query group
 Cecs_query_stats_tStatistics for a single query (use ecs_query_stats_get())
 Cecs_script_desc_tUsed with ecs_script_init()
 Cecs_serializer_tSerializer interface
 Cecs_struct_desc_tUsed with ecs_struct_init()
 Cecs_sync_stats_tStatistics for sync point
 Cecs_system_desc_tUse with ecs_system_init()
 Cecs_system_stats_tStatistics for a single system (use ecs_system_stats_get())
 Cecs_term_id_tType that describes a single identifier in a term
 Cecs_term_tType that describes a term (single element in a query)
 Cecs_type_hooks_tType that contains component lifecycle callbacks
 Cecs_type_info_tType that contains component information (passed to ctors/dtors/...)
 Cecs_type_tA type is a list of (component) ids
 Cecs_unit_desc_tUsed with ecs_unit_init()
 Cecs_unit_prefix_desc_tUsed with ecs_unit_prefix_init()
 Cecs_vector_desc_tUsed with ecs_vector_init()
 Cecs_world_info_tType that contains information about the world
 Cecs_world_to_json_desc_tUsed with ecs_iter_to_json()
 CEcsAlertInstanceAlert information
 CEcsAlertsActiveMap with active alerts for entity
 CEcsArrayComponent added to array type entities
 CEcsBitmaskComponent added to bitmask type entities
 CEcsComponentComponent information
 CEcsEnumComponent added to enum type entities
 CEcsFlattenTargetTarget data for flattened relationships
 CEcsIdentifierA (string) identifier
 CEcsMemberComponent added to member entities
 CEcsMemberRangesComponent added to member entities to express valid value ranges
 CEcsMetaTypeComponent that is automatically added to every type with the right kind
 CEcsPolyComponent for storing a poly object
 CEcsPrimitiveComponent added to primitive types
 CEcsRateFilterApply a rate filter to a tick source
 CEcsStructComponent added to struct type entities
 CEcsTickSourceComponent used to provide a tick source to systems
 CEcsTimerComponent used for one shot/interval timer functionality
 CEcsVectorComponent added to vector type entities